I’ve been looking for ways to relax and find calm. Here’s a video I made about it.
How Do You Affect Change In A Small Community?
To Catch A Thief
The Creative Barriers
Roasting A Pig
I’ve roasted a pig or lamb every year for five years now. I build my own barbeque pit to roast pigs and then serve 50 or so people. This year I made a video explaining how I did it.
When Mayberry Becomes Too Expensive
What happens to Mayberry in the City when it becomes a place just for the well-to-do?
Who Will Be Our Sea Peoples?
The stories that survived – from thousands of years ago – are sweeping, and sometimes very personal. We’re reminded by Ammurapi’s undelivered clay tablet plea that real people existed 3,200 years ago, who harbored hopes and dreams just as we do today. The distance of time and lack of written records separates us from ancient people, but it does not make us very different from them.
The Death of Adventure
How Do We Decide You’re Enough?
Aren’t you enough? I don’t really mean you, per se. I mean the plural you. All of you reading this.
This is the place.
‘I wasn’t really an activist – I just learned a lot.’
Finding The Mindset For Major Personal Change
I recently interviewed three friends who’ve made major life changes to learn why and how they did them.
The Great And Good Things Dad Did For Me
Lou Fourcher was far from perfect, no man could ever be. But as his only child, I was showered with love, encouragement and wisdom like no other.