I’ve always felt a crucial something has been missing from my interactions. Furiously attempting to connect with as many people as I could during the pandemic, I didn’t realize – as I finally do now – that I was missing subtle social cues that just don’t transfer electronically.
Stop Wondering When It All Ends
I’m so damn afraid of all of you. I’m terrified that three days ago you contracted Coronavirus and haven’t had enough time to present symptoms, but you’re already infectious.
It’s Going To Be A While
This is the week when how long all of this will last began to sink in.
We Are Our Great Grandparents, Now
Here we are now, living through a major event that will most certainly earn pages in future history textbooks.
Our Pandemic Video Diary
So much is changing so fast. What seems like normal today, would have been unimaginable last week. With video, we hope to document the change in our world and in ourselves.
Dealing With Conflicting Guidance on COVID-19? Here’s What I’m Doing.
This whole virus thing is overwhelming. It’s clear that the next couple of weeks are going to bring major changes to our lives.
COVID-19 Will Change America
Exactly how COVID-19 will impact our lives and change America in the coming months is a mystery, but it seems like a certainty that beyond our economy, activities we take for granted are going to change.
The American Malevolence And Our Faith
Every week has been a trial. One more outrage, one more impossible lie, one after another. At first it was the prevarications themselves that were too much, but then came the sheer rush of them. Then they congealed into hordes of fatuous behaviors committed by crews of shameless idiots powered by their own disconnection to reality.
The Piano
Even now, thinking about it, my muscles tense. I get nervous.